Join us and be a part of our mission to revolutionize mobile organizing!

Acter is a encrypted, mobile-first, organizing App to organize and grow your community of peers. We understand that the work of organizing often falls on the shoulders of a few dedicated individuals, while many others are eager to help if given the chance.

With Acter, we're changing that dynamic by enabling privacy-first organizing, using strong resource-aware cryptography in familiar user interfaces, that makes it as easy and approachable as using WhatsApp on your mobile or desktop.

As a small and growing NGO-backed non-profit, we're a close-knit team with a big vision. We value authenticity, humility, and collaboration. Remote work and asynchronous communication are at the heart of our operations, enabling us to bring together talented individuals from diverse backgrounds around the world.

Join us as an early team member, and play a pivotal role in shaping:

  1. Our company culture and team dynamics.
  2. Cutting-edge engineering practices.
  3. The direction and focus of our product.

Open Positions:

👉 Community Growth Lead

<aside> 🏗️ Nothing of interest here? We always welcome contributions to the Github Project, try the good first issue or help wanted labels for a start.


Frequently Asked Questions:

At Acter, we are always looking to hire the best talent and recognize that diversity in our experiences and backgrounds is what makes us stronger. We hire candidates of any race, color, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, marital or family status, disability, and any other status.